Improving insulation of facades and roofs, solar protection, changing habits acquired, benefits are obtained in very short term.

Energy losses of the buildings may be 30% or more, especially in constructed buildings between 40’s and 80’s when it first came into force legislation on thermal insulation, in 1979. It is estimated that 58% of buildings do not have any insulation.

Dates de construcció d'habitatges a Espanya durant el S.XX
Dates of building homes in Spain during the twentieth century

Most buildings of the real estate park was built between 40’s and 80’s.

In Catalonia total of 2,315,774 units of existing housing, 1,400,766 (60.48%) were made between the years 1940-1979, of which 1,116,950 (79.74%) are in the city of Barcelona.
Doors and windows do not protect from the cold walls and roofs that do not insulate, older facilities for heating and hot water are the main factors of energy loss in homes.





It is important to take advantage of current technology.

Exist in the market suitable mechanisms for the realization of improvements destined to saving in buildings.

Improving insulation of facades and roofs, solar protection, changing habits acquired, benefits are obtained in very short term.

Small actions such as improving insulation or windows change, can lead to an average of 100 m2 house, a cost approximately 3.000€ amortizable in 4 years. In Germany, for every euro invested by the government in 2010 on rehabilitation energy has recovered 5.

Purposes and grants administration

The objective of the European Union for 2020 is to ensure that the buildings have a consumption close to zero.
Local public organizations, regional and state plans have drafted different energy plans, to achieve the objectives set by the European Union.
In addition to the implementation of energy certification of buildings have been approved a funds grants for energy rehabilitation works.